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A proud tradition, strong values, and excellent innovation
Tasty mackerel for the entire world

Danish produced mackerel

Saeby Fish Canners Ltd. produces 100-120 million of cans annually. About 85% is exported.

95% of the produced products are private label, while the last 5% consists of the SAEBY and NORD brand. Next time you shop for mackerel, make sure to look for our manufacturer number DK2044EF.

The number guarantees that your mackerel is produced by Saeby Fish Canners Ltd.

With the future and quality in mind

Sustainable fishing

The trawlers fish during the period of October-November as the stocks of the Scomber Scombrus mackerel are particularly large during these months. Likewise, the mackerel’s fat content is at its highest, and thus the best, during this period.

Throughout these two months the trawlers fish what is equivalent to a year of production to preserve the mackerel stocks in the ocean. At the same time, we reduce our storage. The trawlers fish in accordance with the official EU quotas.

Unique freezing technique

Full traceability

Our mackerel is IQF-frozen, which means that every mackerel is frozen individually. After the nobbing machine has removed the mackerel’s head and tail, the mackerel is individually frozen and stored in separate cells in our own cold store facilities.

As a result of this, the traceability is ensured – from the time of the catch until the mackerel lands in the stores. The ensured traceability is guarantee for origin and high quality.

Will, transparency and development

Employees are vital

At SAEBY our mantra is “we take responsibility for our work, and with a strong will we will succeed.”

More than 200 employees thrive at Saeby Fish Canners Ltd. in the northern part of Denmark, where every single employee is taken care of. We know and recognize that employees’ well-being, development, and wishes are essential for our company’s future.

Likewise, the communication amongst our employees and management is based on mutual respect and understanding. All employees are encouraged to always communicate their different perspectives. Everyone deserves to be heard, no matter the job position, tasks, and seniority.

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Less CO2 emissions and transportation

A greener company

On a continuous basis, we update our green initiatives to decrease resources and CO2 emissions. At Saeby Fish Canners Ltd. we own and operate our own sewage treatment and emit wastewater on our own areas.

The fresh mackerel is delivered by trawlers to the nearest harbour, where trucks are filled, so we minimize transportation. All our transportation follows this method – with care for the environment.

Our newest initiative involves the utilization of green energy and the use of clear and washable foil on our products. Thus, our consumers can sort our product’s different materials.

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Massive production and warehouse

The factory on Gyldendalsvej

Our factory is located on Gyldendalsvej in Saeby, Northern Jutland, Denmark. The yearly production capacity at our factory is around 150 million of cans. Our location at Gyldendalsvej is distributed on 60.000 square meters and 42,6 hectares of land.

The large area enables us to have a large space for receiving raw materials, freezing capacity, cold store facilities, and storage space.

Our factory also contains an area for processing of raw materials, production, packaging, and administration.

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Sustainable growth throughout the years

From Saeby Harbour to large exports

Canned mackerel producer from Nothern Jutland, the world leading canned mackerel producer

A strong will and visionary mindset

Saeby Fish Canners Ltd. was founded in 1947, where it was located at Saeby Harbour. Christian Vanggaard took over SAEBY in 1949, and with his strong will and visionary mindset he turned Saeby Fish Canners Ltd. into the mackerel mastodon it is today.

All in on mackerel

SAEBY originally produced several canned products such as: shrimps, tuna, mackerel, lobster, herring, and sardines. But in the beginning of the 1980’s it was decided to phase out the production of all canned products, except for mackerel. This turned out to be a great decision, as Saeby Fish Canners Ltd. has experienced economic and human growth ever since.

From Saeby Harbour to Gyldendalsvej

In the beginning of 1982, the production of canned mackerel reaches its limit at a total of 55 million cans. The production capacity is fully utilized at Saeby Harbour, and SAEBY decide to move its production to Gyldendalsvej. In 1988 SAEBY finally ends its production at Saeby Harbour. SAEBY’s factory on Gyldendalsvej has continuously been expanded and today it extends to more than 60.000 square meters.

The mackerel stays in Saeby

Despite the great success, Christian Vanggaard managed to keep his feet on the ground and maintain his great relations to the local community. Although being an international company and actor, the local community and relations are very important for SAEBY’s existence. In 1984 Christian Vanggaard establishes the Vanggaard Foundation. The reason for the establishment was to ensure that SAEBY’s location would remain in the city of Saeby in the future, so the company can hire from the local community. Following Christian Vanggaard’s death in 2020, 80% of Saeby Fish Canners Ltd.’s share capital is owned by the Vanggaard Foundation.